8 simple ways to help the bees
Jennifer Adams Jennifer Adams

8 simple ways to help the bees

20th May is World Bee Day, and the plight of bees and pollinators more widely in the UK has never been so poor. In March 2022 the UK overruled scientific advice by lifting a ban on bee-harming pesticides, authorising an emergency exception for its use on sugar beet in England. Here are some simple things that you can do to help bees.

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Bulb planting advice for every season
Jennifer Adams Jennifer Adams

Bulb planting advice for every season

Autumn is the best time to plant bulbs which are one of the easiest garden plants to grow, needing only a well-drained, humus-rich soil and some sunshine.  If your soil type isn’t perfect, they work really well in pots, simply incorporate grit for sand with your growing mixture. These are my favourites for ever-lasting interest in the garden, great for pollinators and great for naturalising.

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Planting: not so straight forward in 2020
Rachael Emous-Austin Rachael Emous-Austin

Planting: not so straight forward in 2020

Following a five-week shut down due to Covid19 and May rolls around and the project starts back on site. Our client has diligently watered all the little plants and they are now desperate to escape their pots. This is not the traditional time of year for planting, it is usually done during the colder winter months or early Spring, but all the plants had arrived from the suppliers and there was no choice but to get going.

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